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Mesothelioma Attorney in St. Louis, Missouri
Mesothelioma is a type of respiratory condition caused when microscopic silica fibers remained lodged in the lungs after prolonged daily exposure. Throughout the mid- and late-1900s, thousands of industrial workers were exposed to products containing asbestos fibers or silica dust on the work floor. Without knowledge of the dangers they were facing, thousands have contracted the disease.
Approximately 90 percent of diagnosed patients die within 12 months. Corporate manufacturers of products that once contained silicon fibers began facing so many personal injury lawsuits that many declared bankruptcy. The industry has now struck a deal with the U.S. government to establish a special mesothelioma trust fund, from which settlements are paid to victims or their surviving family members.
Workers’ Compensation Claims for Occupational Exposure
In Missouri, workers who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma (and related conditions such as silicosis) have the right to seek medical and pay benefits under the worker’s compensation plan of their employer’s state.
Benefits include:
Paid medical treatment by a doctor approved by your state’s Board of Workers’ Compensation
Permanent total disability, which may be paid as a negotiated lump sum settlement
Survivor’s benefits for surviving family members
Enhanced Benefits for Workers in Missouri
In 2014, the Missouri state legislature set up special enhanced benefits for workers diagnosed with mesothelioma and related conditions caused by exposure to silicon fibers. Minimum benefits for the worker and family may be approximately $500,000.
Suffering from Mesothelioma?
Start Seeking BenefitsThird-Party Liability Lawsuits Against the Mesothelioma Trust Fund
In addition to workers’ compensation claims, affected workers have the right to sue the mesothelioma trust fund for damages beyond workers’ compensation.
Not a Newcomer to Mesothelioma Claims
You have probably seen late-night television commercials or billboards advertising mesothelioma lawsuits. Most are from national litigation firms that have jumped onto the scene recently.
I am attorney Mark E. Moreland of St. Louis. If you or a member of your family in Missouri has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, silicosis or asbestosis due to exposure on the job, call me. As a workers’ compensation lawyer with more than 33 years of experience, I have been helping injured workers and their families since the beginning. I know the issues involved in helping people get their workers’ compensation claim approved and the full compensation their families are entitled to through the courts.
Contact Me for a Free Consultation
Call my office or send an email with a brief explanation of your legal circumstances. I am ready to help. I want to help.